Caroline Souto

PCC: TCS Brazil/Certificate Course Leader/Diploma Assistant

Describe your journey as a coach

When I discovered coaching I was working as a management consultant in one of the largest consulting firms in Brazil. At that point, I understood the power of the coaching language and philosophy to promote learning at various levels and thus generate more sustainable results. Since then, I have dedicated myself to supporting leaders, teams and organizations in their development to build a more just, conscious, and sustainable world.

What is your sweet spot as a coach?

I have worked with leaders and teams in different industries, and it is always a joy to support them in their development and see the impact it has on themselves and their wider context. My sweet spot as a coach is when I work with a client (leader or team) who is available to learn and grow. I am passionate about human development, and it is great to see when my clients discover new possibilities of Being.

What about you as a person?

I am very curious, and I love learning, meeting different people and cultures. I have a degree in Economics and a Masters in Anthropology of Organizations. I love to travel. And I have to say that I’ve never imagined how much Coaching would change my life and put me where I belong in the world.